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24. DE GROOTE, S.R.E., VANHELLEMONT, M., BAETEN, L., DE SCHRIJVER, A., MARTEL, A., BONTE, D., LENS, L. & VERHEYEN, K. 2018. Tree species diversity indirectly affects nutrient cycling through the shrub layer and its high-quality litter. Plant and Soil 427: 335-350
25. DE GROOTTE, S., VANHELLEMONT, M., BAETEN, M., CARON, M., MARTEL, A., BONTE, D. & VERHEYEN, K. 2018. Effects of Mineral Soil and Forest Floor on the Regeneration of Pedunculate Oak, Beech and Red Oak. Forests 2018, 9(2), 66
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27. DE MEESTER, L., BRANS K.I., GOVAERT L., SOUFFREAU C., MUKHERJEE S., VANVELK H., KORZENIOWSKI K., KILSDONK L., DECAESTECKER E., STOKS R. & URBAN M.C, 2019. Analyzing eco-evolutionary dynamics - the challenging complexity of the real world. Functional Ecology 33: 43-59.
28. DE MEESTER, L., J. VANOVERBEKE, L. KILSDONK & M.C. URBAN, 2016. Evolving perspectives on monopolization and priority effects. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31: 136-146
29. DE SMEDT,P., BAETEN, L., PROESMANS, W., VAN DE POEL, S., VAN KEER, J., GIFFARD, B., MARTIN, L., VANHULLE, R., BRUNET, J., COUSINS, S., DECOCQ, G., DECONCHAT, M., DIEKMANN, M., GALLET-MORON, E., LE ROUX, V., LIIRA, V., VALDES, A., WULF, M., ANDRIEU, E., HERMY, M., BONTE, D., & VERHEYEN, K. 2019. Strength of forest edge effects on litter-dwelling macro-arthropods across Europe is influenced by forest age and edge properties. Diversity and Distributions 25: 963-974
30. DE TROYER, N., FORIO M.A.E., ROELS K., DE MEESTER L., LEMMENS P., DECLERCK S.A.J., MARTENS K. & GOETHALS P. 2020. Key management rules for agricultural alpine newt breeding ponds based on habitat suitability models. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01086. DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01086
31. DEKEUKELEIRE, D., HERTZOG, L.R., VANTIEGHEM, P., VAN SCHROJENSTEIN LANTMAN, I.M.., SERCU, B.M., BOONYARITTICHAIKIJ, R., MARTEL, A., VERHEYEN, K., BONTE, D., STRUBBE, D., LENS, L. 2019. Forest fragmentation and tree species composition jointly shape breeding performance of two avian insectivores. Forest Ecology and Management 443, 95-105
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38. FRONHOFER, E., LEGRAND, D., ALTERMATT, F., ANSTART, A., BLANCHET, S., BONTE, D., CHAINE, A., DAHIREL, A., DE LAENDER, F., DE RAEDT, J., DI GESU, G., JACOB, S., KALTZ, O., LAURENT, E., LITTLE, C., MADEC, L., MANZI, L., MASIER, S., PELLERIN, F., PENNEKAMP, F., SCHTICKZELLE, N., THERRY, L., VONG, A., WINANDY, L., & COTE, J. 2018. Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 1869-1863
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40. GILLESPIE, R.G., BENNETT G.M., DE MEESTER L., FEDER J.L., FLEISCHER R.C., HARMON,L.J. HENDRY A.P., KNOPE M.L., MALLET J., MARTIN C., PARENT C.E., PATTON A.H., PFENNIG K.S., RUBINOFF D., SCHLUTER D., SEEHAUSEN O., SHAW K.L., STACY E., STERVANDER M., STROUD J.T., WAGNER C. & WOGAN G.O.U. 2020. Comparing adaptive radiations across space, time, and taxa. Journal of Heredity: 1-20 doi:10.1093/jhered/esz064
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43. GOVAERT,L., FRONHOFER, E., LION, S., EIZAGUIRRE, S., BONTE, D., EGAS, E., HENDRY, A.P., DE BRITO MARTINS, A., MELIAN, C.J., RAEYMAEKERS, JA., RATIKAINEN, I.I., SAETHER, B.-E., SCHWEITZER, J.A. & MATTHEWS, B. Eco-evolutionary feedbacks-theoretical models and perspectives. Functional Ecology 33:13-30
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49. KHUONG, D.V., THERRY, L., JANSSENS, L., BERVOETS, L., BONTE, D & STOKS, R. 2016. Delayed effects of chlorpyrifos across metamorphosis on dispersal-related traits in a poleward moving damselfly. Environmental pollution 218: 634-643
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51. LEDER E. H., ANDRE C., LARSSON T., TOPEL M., LE MOAN A., BLOMBERG A., HAVENHAND J.N., LINDSTROM K., VOLCKAERT F.A.M, KVARNEMO C., JOHANNESSON K., SVENSSON O. (2020) Post-glacial establishment of locally adapted fish populations over a steep salinity gradient. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 00:00-00
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53. LEMMENS, P., DE WEVER, A., BONJEAN, N., CASTIAUX, A., COLSON, L., DE BIE, T., DECOSTER, E., DENIS, C., DE ROECK, E., ERCKEN, D., GODEERIS, B., GOYVAERTS, R., MANDIKI, S.N.M., MORELLE, K., PRACA, E., SCHON, I., VAN WICHELEN, J., VAN DER GUCHT, K., VILLENA ALVAREZ, M., BAUWENS, D., DENYS, L., HERREMANS, M., VANHECKE, L., LOSSON, B., CARON, CAUCHIE, H.-M., KESTEMONT, P., VYVERMAN, W. DE MEESTER, L., DECLERCK, S.A.J. & MARTENS K., 2018. Database of the PONDSCAPE project (Towards a sustainable management of pond diversity at the landscape level). Freshwater Metadata Journal 31: 1-10.
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55. LEMMENS, P., S. DECLERCK, K. TUYTENS, M. VANDERSTUKKEN & L. DE MEESTER, 2018. Bottom-up effects on biomass versus top-down effects on identity: a multiple lake fish community manipulation experiment. Ecosystems, 21: 166-177
56. LEWANDOWSKA, A.., A. BIERMANN, E.T. BORER, M.A. CEBRIAN-PIQUERAS, S.A.J. DECLERCK, L. DE MEESTER, E. VAN DONK, L. GAMFELDT, D.S. GRUNER, N. HAGENAH, W.S. HARPOLE,K.P. KIRKMAN, C.A. KLAUSMEIER, M. KLEYER, J.M.H. KNOPS, P. LEMMENS, E.M. LIND, E.LITCHMAN, J. MANTILLA-CONTRERAS, K. MARTENS, S. MEIER, V. MINDEN, J.L. MOORE, H.O. VENTERINK, E.W. SEABLOOM, U. SOMMER, M. STRIEBEL, A. TRENKAMP, J. TRINOGGA, J. URABE, W. VYVERMAN, D.B. VAN DE WAAL, C.E. WIDDICOMBE & H. HILLEBRAND. 2016. The influence of balanced and imbalanced resource supply on biodiversity-functioning relationship across ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 371: 20150283
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58. MACKE, E., CALLENS M., MASSOL F., VANOVERBERGHE I., DE MEESTER L. & DECAESTECKER E. 2020. Diet and genotype of an aquatic invertebrate affect the composition of free-living microbial communities. Frontiers in Microbiology, section Aquatic microbiology
59. MERCKX, T., SOUFFREAU, C., KAISER, A., BAARDSEN, L., BACKELJAU, T., BONTE, D., BRANS, K., COURS, M., DAHIREL, M., DEBORTOLI, N., DE WOLF, K., ENGELEN, J., FONTANETO, D., GIANUCA, A., GOVAERT, L., HENDRICKX, F., HIGUTI, J., LENS, L., MARTENS, K., MATHEVE, H., MATTHYSEN, E., PIANO, E., SABLON, R., SCHON, I., VAN DONINCK, K., DE MEESTER, L. & VAN DYCK, H. 2018. Body size shifts in aquatic and terrestrial urban communities. Nature 558,113-116
60. MICHIELS, T., WELBY, S., VANROBAEYS, M., QUINET, C., ROUFFAER, L., LENS, L., MARTEL, A. & BUTAYE, P. 2016. Prevalence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in commercial poultry, racing pigeons and wild birds in Belgium. Avian Pathology 45: 244-252
61. MORTIER, F., JACOB, S., VANDEGEHUCHTE, M. & BONTE, D. 2018. Habitat choice stabilizes metapopulation dynamics through increased ecological specialisation. Oikos 128: 529-539
62. ORSINI, L., BROWN J.B., SOLARI O.S., LI D., HE S., PODICHETI R., STOIBER M.H., SPANIER K.I., GILBERT D., JANSEN M., RUSCH D.B., PFRENDER M.E., COLBOURNE J.K., FRILANDER M.J., KVIST J., DECAESTECKER E., DESCHAMPHELAERE K.A.C. & DE MEESTER L. 2018. Early transcriptional response pathways in Daphnia magna are coordinated in networks of crustacean-specific genes. Molecular Ecology 27: 886-897.
64. OUISSE, T., BONTE, D., LEBOUVIER, M., HENDRICKX, F. & D. RENAULT. 2016 The importance of relative humidity and trophic resources in governing ecological niche of the invasive carabid beetle Merizodus soledadinus in the Kerguelen archipelago. Journal of Insect Physiology 94: 42-49.
65. PARMENTIER, T., DE LAENDER, F., WENSELEERS, T. & BONTE, D. 2018. Prudent behavior rather than chemical deception enables a parasite to exploit its ant host. Behavioural Ecology 29: 1225-1233
66. PARMENTIER, T., DE LAENDER, F., WENSELEERS, T. & BONTE, D. 2018. Contrasting indirect effects of an ant host on prey-predator interactions of symbiotic arthropods. Oecologia 188: 1145-1153
67. PARMENTIER, T., F. DE LAENDER & D. BONTE. 2020. The topology and drivers of ant-symbiont networks across Europe. Biological Reviews 95:1664-1688
68. PIANO E., DE WOLF K., BONA F., BONTE D., BOWLER D.E., ISAIA M., MERTENS D., MERCKX T., VAN KERCKVOORDE M., DE MEESTER L., HENDRICKX F. 2017. Urbanization drives local and landscape-scale community shifts towards thermophilic and dispersive species. Global Change Biology 23: 2554-2564
69. PIANO, E., SOUFFREAU, C., MERCKX, T., BAARDSEN, L.F., BACKELJAU, T., BONTE, D., BRANS, K.I., COURS, M., DAHIREL, M., DEBORTOLI, N., DECAESTECKER, E., DE WOLF, K., ENGELEN, J.M.T., FONTANETO, D., GIANUCA, A.T., GOVAERT, L., HANASHIRO, F.T.T., HIGUTI, J., LENS, L., MARTENS, K., MATHEVE, H., MATTHYSEN, E., PINSEEL, E., SABLON, R., SCHON, I., STOKS, R., VAN DONINCK, K., VAN DYCK, H., VANORMELINGEN, P., VAN WICHELEN, J., VYVERMAN, W., DE MEESTER, L. & HENDRICKX, F. (2020). Urbanization drives cross-taxon declines in abundance and diversity at multiple spatial scales. Global Change Biology 26(3): 1196-1211
70. PROESMANS, W., BONTE, D., SMAGGHE, G., MEEUS, I & VERHEYEN, K. 2019. Importance of forest fragments as pollinator habitat varies with season and guild. Basic and Applied Ecology 34: 95-107
71. PROESMANS, W., BONTE, D., SMAGGHE, G., MEEUS, I & VERHEYEN, K. 2019. The effect of mass-flowering orchards and semi-natural habitat on bumblebee colony performance. Landscape Ecology 34: 1033-1044
72. PROESMANS, W., BONTE, D., SMAGGHE, G., MEEUS, I ., DECOCQ, G., SPICHER, F., KOLB, A., LEMKE, I., DIEKMANN, M., BRUUN, H.H., WULF, M., VAN DEN BERGHE, S. & VERHEYEN, K. 2019. Small forest patches as pollinator habitat: oases in an agricultural desert? Landscape Ecology 34: 487-501
73. REYSERHOVE, L., BULTEEL L., LIU J., SOUFFREAU C., BRANS K.I., ENGELEN J.M.T, DE MEESTER L., HENDRICKX F., MUYLAERT K., DECLERCK S.A.J. & DECAESTECKER E., 2020. Food nutrient availability affects epibiont prevalence and richness in natural Daphnia populations. Limnology & Oceanography 65-: 2529-2540. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11469
74. REYSERHOVE, L., BULTEEL, L., LIU, J., SOUFFREAU, C., BRANS, K., ENGELEN, J.M.T., DE MEESTER, L., HENDRICKX, F., MUYLAERT, K., DECLERCK, S.A.J. & E. DECAESTECKER 2020. Food nutrient availability affects epibiont prevalence and richness in natural Daphnia populations. Limnology and Oceanography
75. ROUFFAER LO, LENS L, HAESENDONCK R, TEYSSIER A, HUDIN NS, STRUBBE D, HAESEBROUCK F, PASMANS F, MARTEL A. 2016. House sparrows do not constitute a sigificant Salmonella Typhimurium reservoirs across urban gradients in Flanders - Belgium. PLOS ONE 11(5): E0155366.
76. ROUFFAER LO, STRUBBE D, TEYSSIER A, SALLEH HUDIN N, VAN DEN ABEELE AM, COX I, HAESENDONCK R, DELMEE M, HAESEBROUCK F, PASMANS F, LENS L, MARTEL A 2017. Effects of urbanization on host-pathogen interactions using Yersinia in house sparrows as a model. PLoS One 12(12): e0189509.
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